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Name: Persis / Theta Xi / The Commander
Full Name: Persisardemianotaunaval
Aliasses: The Cerulean Mage,
The one who is many
Species : Gallifreyan -> Time Lady
Profession: Scientist, Explorer, Healer

Mode of Transportation:
--> Originally a Type 28 TT-Capsule. [AKA Tardis] Which preferred to appear as silver crystal-star, as shiny silver sphere with water-like surface, a tomato-bush or a jeep.
--> Later a standard issue gallifreyan Void ship [Housing her defunct TTC].

--> Originally Gallifrey, her TT-Capsule and her crew.
--> After the loss of her home, her loyalty essentially lies with whomever she grows fond of.

Considering her role, her life as well as her surrounding circumstances throughout the time, Persis managed to maintain an almost even surreal positivity. Her main motivation in life lies within her indomitable scientific curiosity, which lets her approach old, new and bizarre things with a pragmatic, open, and welcoming attitude.
Despite her classist upbringing, she sees herself as en par with whomever she meets. She even encourages open feedback, and expects people to speak up if they think they may have a better grasp-, idea- or point than Persis.
While the supposed loss of her home world as well as the traumatic loss of her TT-Capsule have taken their toll on Persis, she herself will usually not mention it, trying to rationalize her pain away and find herself a hundred different things to occupy her time and distract herself with.
She may be centuries old, but also serves as a good example that age does not necessarily equal emotional maturity.

"To seek out new life and new civilizations.
To boldly go, where no one has gone before!"
She is a scientist at heart, hence, her ability to find interesting places, people and projects even without any fix assignments.

Preferred planets:
--> During the regenerations in possession of her TTC, she was seen mingling on Skaro a respectable amount of times.
--> After the great Time War and bound to her void ship, her travel became less predictable. Without the ability to travel through time, yet instead the gained benefit of traversing quantum realities, she has come to appreciate the chance to explore 'what ifs'...

Thanks a lot for checking out my OOC section for my character Persis.
I do not really have many 'rules', I rather see them as info/guidelines at best, but here come the meaty bits:

I, The writer am 21+, whovian since my childhood, generally chilled, and I RP as a slow-burner fun hobby among many other things.

I RP/draw/write for Persis since 2008 and have a fairly good grasp of her.

I usually go by general RP etiquette, meaning no powerplay, metagame, forced sips or killing of my character(s) without planning/mutual agreement.

I’m fine with all sorts of topics, from comedy to drama to dark stuff.

My preferred method of initiating RPs are sending or liking/answering starter calls. I may also occasionally write and/or respond to generic starters.

If you wish to ship, let me know. I’m generally cool with it and go by chemistry as criterium.

My default face claim for Persis is Gillian Anderson. (Other face claims are stated with each regeneration’s info.)

Persis I

Companions: Theta-Gamma, The Jester, Koschei AKA The Master
Vehicle: TARDIS

Height: 188 CM
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Faceclaim:: Cate Blanchett

Personality: Polite, mind-over-heart, curious, chatty, benevolent

Persis' first iteration was loomed referencing assets of a plethora of past scientists and engineers deemed useful and prestigious.
In Persis' case though, soon enough rumour would have it, that she did not exactly inherit the good aspects of her reference material...
Her name ' Persis' could be translated with 'richness' in old Gallifreyan, even though sometimes also being mockingly nicknamed Perver-sis...
Just like many members of her house she easily qualified to attend Time Lord academy (where she would receive the academy name of Theta-Xi), however refused to make any solid plans as to what to do with herself afterwards.
She was curious, yet unwilling to commit herself to anything.

Just like dreamed of and aspired by many of her young peers, Persis would eventually get her own chance to see the universe:
After she worked as research associate for the academy up to her 300th, she spent about 100 years as crewmember/companion aboard several TARDISes herself until she finally spent some time working as engineer and, enjoying this chance to realize several new hobbies.
After a fellow Time Lord irreversibly died by accident, she worked on his heavily damaged old type 28 TARDIS and abruptly had to bond with it to save it's life. A surprise, but one of the good kind.
She eventually got the permission to keep up the bond, and took her chance to use her new opportunity to discover the outside all by herself.

So she spent several years traveling to the farthest borders of the future aboard her TARDIS until she became sick and regenerated.

Persis II

Companions: Theta-Gamma, Isvin, Dalek(s)
Vehicle: TARDIS

Height: 1.82 M
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Faceclaim: Lindy Booth

Personality: Curious, bossy, practical, high sense for justice

...Persis' second regeneration was a more adventurous type of field scientist who continued the second Doctor's attempts to 'humanize' Daleks, instead of fighting them.
For that purpose she was conducting experiments on some captured Daleks (One of them would later reunite with her and become her protege), and giving them access to emotions.
She worked together with another Time Lord named Isvin, who shared her belief that fixing an issue was preferable to complete erasure of a species...

On a more humorous note: Being long-time companions, Persis and Isvin traveled at least 180 times back to Woodstock, 1968. (Which made them 7% of the participants. Neither of them did recognize all of their each others due to everyone and their parallel selves being too high to realise....)
Eventually the council had to declare a temporal lock on Woodstock, which meant that Isvin and Persis had to return to their work…

Persis also spent some time on Skaro, trying to learn about the roots and (in her opinion) fundamental flaws in the Daleks' mind.
She was known as the single insane and audacious person to capture Davros; attempting to remedy his (to her) mistakes, by trying to force him to assist her with her own experiments on Daleks.
She eventually was accidentally killed by one of her subjects, which meant the experiments - for now - were canceled...

Persis III

Companions: None
Vehicle: TARDIS

Height: 1.75 M
Hair: White
Eyes: Red
Faceclaim: Emmielou Harris

Personality: Calm, mostly intellectually understimulated, searching...

...The third Persis became a somewhat lonely, more serious traveler again and didn't plan to make many new contacts at all.
For 150 Years she aimlessly roamed around gathering information about cosmic oddities and unique paradoxa in anticipation of bringing them back home one day...

She enjoyed her relative solitude, and conducted studies at the furthest stretches of space and time - for the most part undisturbed and content.
What she did not expect however were the surprising malfunctions of her TARDIS which became worse from week to week...
Her TARDIS had had it's difficulties right from the first time she had been bonded to it, and despite all of Persis’ efforts to pinpoint and fix the issue, it finally spiralled down, affecting one system at a time.
Aimlessly making her way back into core space, Persis tried to return home to seek help, yet her TARDIS had already lost its ability to sufficiently navigate, which landed both of them on a petty little backwater planet at the end of nowhere…

They reached a - to them yet unknown - Planet called Earth, in a period known as the 1970's.
Failing to contact other Time Lords (or at least someone technologically more advanced than her current planetary surroundings), and unable to bring her TARDIS back to Gallifrey, Persis desperately tried to save her dying TARDIS for the next 2 Years…

Due to the connection between her and the TARDIS not having been professionally severed yet, Persis died along with it once, regenerated, nearly died with her TARDIS once more, and continuously suffered from the fading, until the TARDIS itself finally completely shut down and the bond apparently ended, leaving behind a confused, devastated and helpless Persis...

Persis IV / June Flynn

Companions: Isvin, ‘Dalek’
Vehicle: -

Height: 1.54 M
Hair: Black/Violet
Eyes: Yellow
Faceclaim: Audrey Tautou

Personality: Cynical, aloof, occasionally aggressive, introverted

...Her fourth regeneration was heavily signed by the two regenerations within the short time, as well as the physical reactions to the broken connection to her TARDIS.
The new Persis became sickly and unstable.
Her body was not entirely 'finished' and looked more like an unhealthy child than a centuries old woman.

Yet what mattered to Persis herself was that since losing her TARDIS (which after more than 300 years had become the most important being in her life), stranded on a primitive, hostile planet, subjected to massive health issues, she saw no real way out of her current situation.
Bringing her seemingly dead TARDIS to a safe place, she once again spent several years desperately attempting to bring it back to life, until she eventually simply had to give up.
Using the chameleon arch as a last resort, she turned herself into a human being, wiping out her alien self and the painful memories; in silent yet ultimately forgotten hope that one day someone would come, find and save her and her TARDIS…

She became June Flynn, an ordinary, disillusioned citizen of Earth…
She worked, partied, and wasted her existence, oblivious to the rich past and present that lay ahead and below her; not much caring about the mysteries and miracles the universe had yet to offer...

After about 20 Years it was Isvin to spot and identify the undercover Persis.
Attempting to make her remember and return, he invited her to be his travel companion, and for a while, June liked herself in her new role.
Persis/June ultimately though refused to access her old memories, claiming that something unspeakably terrible must have happened, fearing to not be the same anymore after learning what she once intentionally forgot…

Instead she traveled with him as the human she felt she was, becoming his protector and advisor, as well as mediator between him and his own TARDIS, for Persis/June - for unknown reasons (at least none she remembered yet...) - seemed to be able to communicate with TARDISes on a completely different level than any other humanoid by now...
Isvin theorized that upon her and her TARDIS’s shared death, something of it might have survived within Persis granting her this new ability…

Persis/June Flynn further became caretaker/teacher/protector of the last of Isvin’s (and Persis’) old subjects: A ‘defective’ Dalek, which - with its unflattering and blunt world view - was more akin to the disillusioned ‘human’ and unintentionally helped and encouraged her to expand her own world views...

With the beginnings of the great Time War Persis/June however had to face a trial on Gallifrey for she was believed to be a potential traitor. After some of her previous regenerations demonstrably worked together with Davros and cultivated Daleks, she was under suspicion to aid him and the Dalek Empire…
Evidence for or against her involvement with the enemy though was hard to come by: She still refused to access her old memories, by now believing to have found the reason as to why the original Persis must have chosen to forget…

Persis V

Companions: ‘Dalek’, Leen, The Paradox-Maker
Vehicle: Void Ship / TARDIS

Height: 1.79 M
Hair: Red
Eyes: Amber
Faceclaim: Gillian Anderson

Personality: Benevolent, witty, curious, sympathetic, adventurous

Being accused of collaborating with the enemy amidst the pinnacle of the Time War, Persis (or rather her current human version named June Flynn) had to face trial on Gallifrey.
One of her main prosecutors did not wish to wait for the couincls' decision though, and decided to defang her himself by attempting to kill her. Initially successful.

While Persis/June slowly (nearly) died, her Dalek companion found her and eventually managed to make her activate the device unlocking her memory and initiating her retransformation - by that saving her life throughout the following regeneration.
As an unwillingly new-born Time Lady in her fifth iteration, heavily confused and overwhelmed by her memories and returning centuries old pain, Persis quickly decided to leave Gallifrey together with her Dalek, fearing that the council would take steps against her companion.

She stole a Void Ship and escaped with the Dalek whom she relocated to a distant, safe planet, amidst the other ‘humanized’ Daleks Persis and Isvin had created and brought here centuries ago.
On Gallifrey in the meanwhile, the war had reached its final stages...
Persis was falsely believed to be a traitor, and was permanently banned shortly before Gallifrey itself was time-locked, or - as she believed - destroyed…

Once more, Persis began to aimlessly roam around, not entirely sure as to what to do with herself and her newly won, yet ultimately stale freedom.
She returned to Earth to pick up her old TARDIS, continuing her original attempts to bring it back to life.
For that she began to travel further and further, expanding her exploration and research throughout the multiverse.

Unlike a TARDIS, which easily could take one through time and space, a Void Ship only managed to transition between quantum realities; different realms of possibility; and alternative dimensions - more often than not - following alternative laws of physics. And considering that she had (unsuccessfully) tried space and time for centuries before, this new approach seemed like the logical next step to her.

Throughout her journeys she met many more, new and exotic fellow travellers, such as her own alternate self, called 'The Paradox Maker', who would soon become the entire spectrum of friend and foe to Persis, or the beings named after the Toclafane, who existed in a discontinued alternative timeline and would become loose allies to Persis...
Torn between her desperation to save her TARDIS and her scientific curiosity for the strange new worlds, Persis headed from dimension to dimension, boldly going where only few had gone before...